If you enjoyed Spaced on Channel 4
Thanks for giving me my final ammunition as to convincing others not to watch this film.
saw this great film tonight.
if you enjoyed spaced on channel 4 you'll definitely like it.
the jokes sort of faded out a bit towards the end but it got there ok. .
If you enjoyed Spaced on Channel 4
Thanks for giving me my final ammunition as to convincing others not to watch this film.
who dares disturb czar during his slumbers from the board?
e-watchman dares!
very well, some of you seem to be in love with apocalypse already boy... look ye, upon his works, and despair.. from his latest commentary:.
I can't understand why you people bother to read his sorry ass.
this whole blame the president thing is getting old.
you "anyone but bush" people kill me.
you're all so quick to condemn but have you any real constructive criticism?
express your ideas on how to deal with terrorism, despotism and evil, rather than fan the flames of hatred and discension,
If only Bush would do the same thing.
Bush IS a terrorist. What is the difference between a terrorist who kills thousands of people and one who does exactly the same yet hides under his political authority? Answer = No difference.
I had to smile when I read what you wrote, what I quoted above. Thanks for the satire. It is satire, right? Or have you not put your brain in gear before moving your mouth? Bush IS fanning the flames of hatred all across the Middle East, the Arab world and even parts of Asia. He needed a scapegoat after 9/11 so he just bombed the poorest country he could find on his map. You speak of 'dealing with terrorism' but he sure did that when he gave the Taliban 43 million dollars in 2001. Wise move if he knew that Osama was a big hit with the Taliban, wouldn't you say?
So who next, Mr Expert? I mean, who to attack next to rid the world of evil and terror, big bad dictators like Saddam? Maybe North Korea? Iran? Libya? Israel? Open your eyes brother.
One other thing, thank your president for giving me such a kind exchange rate for my British pound.
by george carlin
i believe the money i make belongs to me and my family, not some mid level governmental functionary be it democratic or republican!
i'm in touch with my feelings and i like it that way, damn it!
We need our country back!
From who
does anyone remember the old joke about the sadduccees, that they didn't believe in the resurrection and that's why they were "sad-you-see"?
i think that on the whole, the sadduccees get pretty bad press from both jews and christians and i've often thought that maybe they don't entirely deserve it.
i know that they are said to have been "the establishment", collaborating with the romans and trying to keep a lid on the trouble being stirred up by the pharisees, the zealots, and the assorted messianic movements in order to preserve their own privileges and status.
English Patient, Who tells Jews these things? Where?
Good question. It's easy as Double Edge put it to simply cast aside such accusations as 'Nazi Propaganda', but when you see the true facts, Nazi Propaganda or not, the Jews are a racist race. But why, you may ask? The Talmud is Judaism's holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism. Evidence of this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b: "My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah' Even the Jewish Encyclopedia notes this fact. The Talmud is viewed higher than the Torah, and is a collection of teachings and doctrines from Rabbi's. Some doctrine of the Talmud:
Cast aside these facts as 'Nazi Propaganda' if you want to, but remember that these are straight from Jews themselves. The facts remain that the Talmud is a racist religious textbook that is taught to practising Jews across the world.
got this off another posting board i frequent, thought i would share!
parts of a story in the globe and mail, by writer ray conlogue.
Try a book called 'The Jesus Mysteries' produced by the Sunday Times.
Timothy Freeke the author, discusses this and more!
The actual arguement against all this is that Satan devised a plan to fool Christians, he knew of the Messiah and so years before created Mystery Godmen in other myths that imitated Christ ; therefore people will think Jesus was just an imitation, but he wasn't, if you see what I mean
how long do you have to be inactive before they take you off their records?
i have been out for 30 odd years and have not heard a word from them for many years.
my mom is still very active (but in a different cong.
You can request all information they keep on you back under the data protection act
If they refuse, they are braking the law.
But I strongly doubt they will have you on file after so many years away.
i have a new article on my site called, who removed god's name from the bible?
if you'd like to check it out it's at
I am a big fan of your site Towerman,
thankyou for your hard work and long may it continue.
It has really helped me.
i am amazed at the numbers of perrsons who believe that if one is not a christian (or jew or muslim) then one must be an atheist.
i do not believe in the existence of deities.
i however do not deny that deities might exist.
Some of the pitfalls for false arguementation include :
Misrepresentation of opposing arguments, as by the use of a 'straw man' in the place of the real point at issue.
Use of 'circular reasoning', in which an unproved premise is used at the starting point of an argument that proceeds to build on the premise rather than on established fact.
False analogy, where similarities exist but not the kind needed to prove the conclusions argued for.
Creation of a 'false dilemma', which makes it appear that there are only two choices, the one being argued for and another that is usually undesirable - when in fact there may be several choices, several alternatives.
The dragging of a 'red herring' over the trail of an argument, that is, bringing in some point that is not relevant to the discussion and which only serves to divert the readers attentions from the weaknesses in the argument.
Ad hominem ( meaning, 'to the man' ) argument, which consists of an attack on the person argued against, instead of on his argument
Provincialism, that is, appealing to the tendency to identify closely with the thinking, belief - even the prejudices, bias or ignorance - of a particular group, and to see things largely from the standpoint of the in group verses the out group.
Misuse of deductive reasoning, either taking a broad principle and drawing unwarranted or unproved conclusions from it or, vice versa, using certain incidental facts and building on these to establish a broad principle that does not necessarily follow, hence, a hasty 'generalization'
I always found that annoying too. But it is a step up from the Witnesses. They believe you are either in God's hands or Satan's. Simple as.
Just braindead reasoning really.
as interest has been expressed from time to time regarding the wts' oldest publications, i would like to submit a few posts on my observations of studies in the scriptures, the original six volumes written by charles taze russell.
these are still published by various bible student associations but not by the wtb&ts.. the plan for the scripture studies (hereafter ss) was to use the first volume, the divine plan of the ages, as a base or foundation upon which the succeeding volumes would be built.
thus, the bible student is (was) encouraged to continually reread and restudy the ss in order to grasp the relationship between the first volume and the succeeding ones.. the "divine plan of the ages" is a dispensational scheme in which the present age is contrasted with the future (millennial) age, and in which there are two different salvation plans, each applicable depending upon the age in which one lives.
Excellent valuation.
Studies in the Scriptures makes an interesting read...
Look forward to your next post.